Producing Energy in Canada through the Years




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How Energy in Canada has been developed, its uses, industries, types of jobs, and how it connects us to the world.

          When Canada was a young country, people came in search of a better life than the one they had in their own land. They came and started industries and farms, but found they  needed power to run their mills and towns. The first type of energy that was produced in Canada was hydro (energy by water). Hydro was used to run the mills and provide a small amount of necessary electricity and heat. The use of hydro provided jobs like mill owners, engineers, and farmers. The production of hydro increased the desire for settlers around the world to come to Canada.

          Later on, Canada was discovered to be rich in fossil fuels suck as oil, coal, and gas. These fuels were burned to produce energy for small factories, businesses, and towns. With the coming of the industrial revolution, energy became more used throughout Canada, and therefore became more needed also. The use of these fuels created more jobs like miners, engineers, and transporters.

          Energy in Canada became very popular and was (and is) used extensively like water in a river.  The government began to see a great need to produce more energy. Finding ways of producing energy that was safer for the environment and long lasting provided jobs like researchers and scientists, but lessened the amount of workers in the fossil fuel companies. Natural Gas and Nuclear power were discovered. These new methods seemed to be cleaner but were found to have dangerous long term effects on Canada's environment and citizens.

          The need for energy in Canada has kept on increasing and will continue to increase as the world of electronics grows. The convential energy producing is very successful but the government is seeing long term problems production for Canada. Not only will the fossil fuels eventually run out, but the environment is continuing to degrade at our expense. Smog from the burning of coal, oil, and gas clouds the skies also resulting in acid rain. Beaches are labeled "unsafe" and much more. Canada decided to use their many resources of water to make power. Also the use of solar and wind power is encouraged. These alternatives to powering our nation are practically pollution-free but are verily expensive. So Canada is trying to turn back to the old-fashioned way of producing energy by using natural renewable resources.


          Canada's energy production connects to the rest of the world in many ways. We have an influence on other countries in the way we use our resources. We teach other countries about the different sources for creating energy because they may not have easy access to the many that Canada's land contains. We produce energy for the States in the summer when they need extra electricity to run air conditioners, then in the winter they give us energy to heat our homes during the cold winters. We are all part of a world, and we should all do what we can. Since Canada is a very rich country, and we have the technology to produce clean energy, we should do more than our part to keep our earth beautiful the way God intended.